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Read the latest articles and learn why clients and industry professionals alike recognize The Egoscue Method as the leader in non-medical pain relief.
Make Healthy Changes that Last
In 2025, we are more aware than ever of the importance of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. Yet, despite all the advancements in technology, knowledge, and access to resources, creating lasting habits remains a challenge for many. At Egoscue, we understand that...
Beat Holiday Stress and Neck Pain with Better Posture
The holiday season is a time of joy, giving, and celebration—but it can also bring its fair share of stress. Between travel plans, gift shopping, and the fast pace of the season, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. For many, this stress often manifests physically,...
5 Tips for a Healthy, Balanced Holiday Routine
We are entering a festive but hectic time of year. The holidays are fast approaching which brings time with family and loved ones and extra activities and obligations which can present a challenge to keeping your body feeling and moving well. Our hectic holiday...
The Power of Community
How Sharing Your Egoscue Journey Helps Everyone The journey toward a pain-free, balanced life through The Egoscue Method is transformative. However, like any journey focused on healing, it can sometimes feel overwhelming or isolating. One of the most valuable,...
Prevent Overuse Injuries with a Balanced Posture
Don’t Let Your Posture Cause Overuse Injuries! Overuse injuries develop gradually over time, due to repetitive stress and strain on muscles, tendons, and joints. Unlike acute injuries, which occur suddenly and are often the result of a specific trauma, overuse...
Hip/Knee Pain: Addressing the Root Cause
Hip/Knee Pain: Addressing the Root Cause Here at Egoscue, we see numerous clients, grappling with pain from a diagnosis ending with “itis." You know the diagnosis I am referring to, right? Arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and similar conditions are common these...
Pain Free Summer Fun
Tips for Staying Healthy & Enjoying an Active Summer Season Summer is upon us which means our season for peak physical activity has arrived. As the weather warms up and the days get longer, we move more. Making sure your body is aligned and balanced is...
9 Ways Posture Boosts Life
9 Ways Posture Really Matters and Discover How Good Posture Impacts Your Quality of Life We often speak about posture and its connection to pain, but the benefits of good posture extend beyond physical discomfort. Good posture is crucial for overall health and...
Back Pain Begone
Cracking the Code: Understanding and Eliminating Back Pain The human spine is an evolutionary wonder. Unlike other mammals, humans spend virtually all their time moving about the world on two legs instead of four. Our biped nature gives us many advantages...
The Science of Attraction
How Looking Good and Feeling Good Are Linked February is the month of love. For most of us, feeling good extends beyond living without physical pain. Being loved, by others and ourselves is a key ingredient for happiness in life. So what is it that we find...
6 Tips for Long Term Egoscue Success
6 Tips for Long Term Egoscue Success Some of our readers are new clients. Others have been with us for years. Either way, you know how easy and effective Egoscue is at removing aches, pains, and limitations. Whether you just started out or you've achieved your...
The Link between Headaches and Posture Do you find yourself battling frequent migraines, tension headaches, or cluster headaches? Are you unsure of their cause and how to alleviate them? While headaches can be triggered by various factors, one highly overlooked...
Community Appreciation
Pete Egoscue's Address: The Challenge of Modern Conveniences to Our Well-Being The Egoscue Community Appreciation Celebration was a huge success! Pete Egoscue opened his address to hundreds of attendees, both virtual and in-person, by reminiscing about his gratifying...
Balance Has Its Benefits
Balance Has Its Benefits: The Growing Importance of a Balanced Wrist and Elbow in Sports The connection between balance, the elbow, and the wrist isn’t obvious. After all, we don’t rely on those joints to keep our weight balanced and upright. But we do depend...
The Musculoskeletal System’s Crucial Role in Breathing
The Musculoskeletal System’s Crucial Role in Breathing The thoracic spine is located in the upper back, connecting the lower back and legs with the upper extremities and neck. Like the rest of our spine, the thoracic spine is designed with a characteristic curve. It...
Unlocking Shoulder Pain:
Decoding Joint Misalignment and Restoring Balance
Unlocking The Mystery of Shoulder Pain: Decoding Joint Misalignment and Restoring Balance The shoulder’s design is a marvel of mobility and power that evolved from thousands of years of climbing, crawling, throwing, catching, pushing, pulling, hunting, & carrying...
Keep Your Kids Active & Healthy
3 Suggestions to Keep Your Kids Active & Healthy For anyone around (or older than) the age of 40, you can close your eyes and remember summer days filled with running around the neighborhood, riding bikes to your best friend’s house, building forts, climbing...
The Hip:
In the Center of All the Action
The Hip: In the Center of All the Action Humans are unique in the animal kingdom. We are designed to explore the world upright, moving about on just two limbs instead of four. The hip is the epicenter of our unique movement and is the second most mobile joint in our...
Posture: More Than Just Standing Up Straight
When you say the word “posture,” most people instinctively know what you are talking about. In fact, when hearing that word, you often immediately sit up a little straighter or stand up a little taller. Memories of your mother or father pulling your shoulders back...
A Simple Solution to Heal Plantar Fasciitis
This article originally appeared on Sonima.com. Fascia are connective tissue, and they are found throughout our bodies at various subcutaneous levels. The knee bone is connected to the thigh bone, and on and on, and that song ought to be titled “Ode to Fascia.”...
3 Simple Exercises to Eliminate Knee Pain
This article originally appeared on Sonima.com. About 1 in 4 Americans suffers from knee pain, according to a 2011 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Rather than ignore that wincing discomfort until it’s unbearable, see if you can ease the ouch with...
Warm-Up For Walking
This article originally appeared on Sonima.com. While you may think your body is in balance, the truth is that anyone who spends most of their time sitting at a desk or in a car is going to have some physical imbalances. These imbalances can cause pain during...
The Foot & Ankle: Addressing the Root Cause of Pain
The Foot & Ankle: Addressing the Root Cause of Pain Our feet might be the most cared for part of our body. We buy special shoes or inserts to protect them. We get pedicures and foot massages. Yet, foot and ankle pain is more prevalent today than ever before. With...
Low Back Pain: Cause and Effect
Low Back Pain: Cause and Effect More than eight out of 10 of you reading this article right now will, at some point in your life, experience low back pain. Whether you get diagnosed with a bulging disc, herniated disc, scoliosis, stenosis or don’t have any diagnosis...
The Role Emotions Play in Chronic Pain
"WHY do I hurt?" I get asked this question a lot. And the answers often vary. Sure, we see structural dysfunctions that cause pain—an elevated left hip causing right ankle pain, for example—but what if we dig a little deeper? What if your pain is directly tied to an...
Imagine a bowling ball on the end of a fishing pole…
Imagine a bowling ball on the end of a fishing pole... Can you picture what that would look like? Can you envision the fishing pole bending, almost to the point of breaking, as the weight of that bowling ball pulls it lower and lower toward the ground? Just imagine...
Be Aware of Your Habits
Today's post is written by David Smith, clinic owner of Egoscue San Francisco. My favorite moment in the client education process is when an unconscious habit suddenly becomes conscious. It’s at this moment the link between that habit, the imbalance in posture, and...
When Rest Isn’t Enough
On the surface, resting an injury makes perfect sense. It's the old "If it hurts to do X, then you should stop doing X" mentality. If running hurts, then take a break. If it hurts to stand, then go sit down. And it's often suggested that you need to take several...
When Is the Best Time to Do My Menu?
If you're an Egoscue client or have read any of my books, you know that in a perfect world, you'd wake up, grab a glass of water, and start your menu. The sun would be shining, the birds would be chirping, and your body would be pain free and without any limitations....
With Egoscue, Sequencing Is Important!
Whether you’re doing your Egoscue Method menu, following a cake recipe, or putting together a desk from IKEA, order is important. (Actually, to have any hope of getting an IKEA desk together properly, following the right order is extremely important. But I digress… )...
Correcting Your
Misaligned Shoulders
Correcting Your Misaligned Shoulders This article originally appeared on Somina.com. Shoulder pain can throw off your day-to-day, especially if your range of motion is compromised. Suddenly, reaching for an item on the top shelf, putting on your jacket, or picking up...
Flying Somewhere? Try These Simple Exercises
This article and video originally appeared on Sonima.com. Relieve the pain that inevitably creeps in during long flights with these simple stretches. After two hours of flying, most of us tend to feel pretty uncomfortable. Join alignment expert Pete Egoscue to learn...
4 Exercises for a Pain-Free Second Trimester
Childbirth is a miraculous event. From conception through delivery, the body does remarkable things to provide a safe environment in which the baby can grow and develop. During that same time, the combination of hormonal and postural changes can wreak havoc on a...
Is it Really Arthritis?
What have you been told about your arthritis? More importantly, what do you BELIEVE about what you have been told? Almost 100% of clients walking through our doors have been diagnosed with arthritis. Heck, I’ve even been diagnosed with arthritis. I was told in my...
Do You Have Carpal Tunnel-Vision?
Are you sitting down? I thought so. Want me to make another bold prediction? I know for a fact that your upper back is rounded forward, your pelvis is tucked under, and your spine is flexed. It's not the ideal position in which to spend the majority of your day, to...