Hip/Knee Pain: Addressing the Root Cause

Hip/Knee Pain: Addressing the Root Cause


Here at Egoscue, we see numerous clients, grappling with pain from a diagnosis ending with “itis.”

You know the diagnosis I am referring to, right? Arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and similar conditions are common these days, particularly in the hip and knee. These diagnoses can be daunting and often leave individuals feeling as though they have a chronic condition with no hope for relief.

Understanding the root cause of a problem is a core principle of The Egoscue Method.  An “-itis” diagnosis does not necessarily convey the true cause of the pain. To create permanent solutions and lasting relief, it’s crucial to look deeper, beyond the symptoms, to uncover and to address the root cause.

The Egoscue Method’s approach to pain relief focuses on identifying and correcting posture imbalances. These imbalances are often the underlying cause of many “-itis” conditions. Rather than solely treating the symptoms, the Egoscue Method aims to restore the body’s natural alignment, and help individuals feel better, move better and live better.

Understanding the Misleading Nature of Diagnoses Ending in “itis”

The term “-itis” refers to inflammation, which is indeed present in conditions like arthritis (inflammation of the joints), bursitis (inflammation of the bursae), and tendonitis (inflammation of the tendons). However, these terms do not provide information about what is causing the inflammation. In many cases, inflammation is the body’s response to an underlying issue, such as misalignment or improper movement patterns.

Take a look at this individual.  Do you notice any asymmetries in his posture?

When a person’s hips are misaligned, the uneven distribution of weight and pressure can lead to inflammation in the hip joint. Similarly, improper posture can place undue stress on the knees, leading to inflammation and pain. Therefore, treating the inflammation alone, without addressing the misalignment, is unlikely to provide lasting relief.

Feel Better

The Egoscue Method is founded on the belief that the body is designed to be pain-free and is capable of healing itself when in proper alignment. The Egoscue Method employs a series of personalized exercises, known as E-cises, to correct posture imbalances and restore the body’s natural alignment. By addressing the root cause of the inflammation, the Egoscue Method provides a more effective and long-lasting solution to pain relief.

Move Better

The first step in The Egoscue Method is a comprehensive assessment of the client’s posture and movement patterns. This assessment helps identify areas of misalignment and muscle imbalances that may be contributing to the pain. Once these issues are identified, a customized exercise program is developed to target the specific needs of the individual.

These exercises are designed to re-educate the muscles and joints, promoting proper alignment and movement. As the body’s alignment improves, the stress and pressure on the affected areas are reduced, leading to a decrease in inflammation, pain and improved mobility.

Live Better

One of the key advantages of the Egoscue Method is its focus on long-term results. By addressing the root cause of the pain—posture imbalances—the Method not only alleviates current symptoms of the just the diagnosed “-itis” conditions but also helps prevent future occurrences. Clients often find that as their posture improves, they experience relief from not just their diagnosed condition, but also other aches and pains that may have been related to their misalignment.

Start Feeling Better Today

It important to look beyond the symptoms to uncover the true cause of hip and knee pain. By addressing the root cause of inflammation, Egoscue offers a long-term solution for individuals suffering with hip and knee pain believed to be caused from conditions like arthritis, bursitis, and tendonitis. Through personalized assessment and targeted exercises, you can restore balance to your body in as little as 10 minutes a day. By maintaining the muscle strength and flexibility necessary for good posture, you have the best possible foundation for feeling, moving, and living at your very best.


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