Owning a Clinic FAQ
How can I open my own Egoscue franchise?
If you are passionate about The Egoscue Method and equally passionate to run a small business, please contact us. Our corporate franchise department is available to help business owners find a market and a clinic location that represents the best possibility for success.
What role will Corporate Egoscue play in my day-to-day business?
All Egoscue facilities have the ability to communicate via videoconferencing. While daily operations are the responsibility of each individual business owner, Corporate provides a search-optimized website, digital and print marketing templates, customer relationship marketing and data collection capabilities, and back office support. All obligations of Corporate Egoscue are outlined in our Franchise Disclosure Document.
What are the training requirements for therapists to open a facility?
Minimum certifications to become a franchisee include two levels of Postural Alignment Specialist (PAS) certification, the Advanced Exercise Therapy (AET) certificate, and additional courses specific to clinic operations. You may contact the Egoscue Institute for more information about individual curriculum questions regarding each program.
What is the price of therapy uniform at all clinics?
All facilities in the United States adhere to the same pricing structure. Internationally, our services remain the same, but the pricing structure may vary.
I am already a health practitioner and would like to offer The Egoscue Method from my current clinic. Is that allowed?
Yes. Our clinics sometimes occupy space within larger health facilities such as hospitals or holistic centers. However, Egoscue facilities perform Egoscue services. The use of our name is reserved for our franchisees. It is encouraged that each facility develop and maintain strong referral ties in their communities should our clients need the services of other health professionals.
How much continuing education is required?
Every franchisee is required to attend a yearly training event known as May Days. Optional quarterly events are also available. The Institute maintains the continuing education and recertification programs. These programs are updated and adjusted to continue to raise the standard of performance of all of our personnel. Additionally, all franchisees are encouraged to stay current with the latest healthcare trends.
What if I need help from another facility?
Help is the easiest thing to receive as an Egoscue franchisee. All of our facilities keep a high-speed video conferencing system called Egoscue Direct® in operation during business hours. At the push of a button, all clinics can be available.
Will I need to learn how to bill insurance?
No. Egoscue clinics are non-medical facilities and do not bill insurance companies for services. All clients are self-pay.
Does each facility need to keep normal business hours?
Yes. A full-time effort is required to be available to your clients. Most clinics keep longer-than-normal hours to cater to our clients’ needs.
How much is a clinic expected to advertise?
The best advertising is from satisfied clients, so it all begins with quality service. We also utilize the latest tools, such as digital and direct marketing, social media, and email.
Do all clinics sell Egoscue products as well as offer our services?
Egoscue products are available through our approved and licensed vendors found on our website, or through our clinics.
Who can I talk to for more information?
For any other franchising questions, or to talk through the opportunities, please contact us at (800) 995-8434.
Let’s Get Started
Call us at 800-933-9811, or fill out this form and an Egoscue Institute training specialist will reach out to you to answer any questions.