Michael Mantone

Exercise Therapist

Egoscue of New York City

917-388-3154 newyork@egoscue.com

Michael Mantone is a northeast native, but grew up around the USA and Europe, eventually earning a B.A from the UCLA School of Theatre, Film, and Television. Michael’s need for the Egoscue method began when his ankle was snapped in half playing football at 16, with no physical therapy afterward. Following multiple injuries over the years from sports, dance and a Hollywood stunt career, he was introduced to the Method and became pain free for the first time in his adult life. As a choreographer, stunt coordinator, and personal trainer, Michael has found postural alignment therapy to be the best cure and complement to any discipline in helping others, which has always been Michael’s number one priority in life. He also coaches privately on mindset and peak performance and is an animal lover.

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