What have you been told about your arthritis? More importantly, what do you BELIEVE about what you have been told?
Almost 100% of clients walking through our doors have been diagnosed with arthritis. Heck, I’ve even been diagnosed with arthritis. I was told in my early 20s that I had it in my right shoulder. It never fails that when I talk to my clients about arthritis, I always get asked two questions: “How did I get it?” and “Can I get rid of it?”
To answer the first question, we have to first find out what the client has been told about arthritis. Most of the time, they are told that it’s due to old age, however, we need to think that one through a little more. If you have arthritis in your right knee, and the condition is due to age, how old is your other knee? Or, how is it possible that I had arthritis in my shoulder at the age of 21, and you are reading this at 51 and DON’T have it? The “age” arguement doesn’t make much sense…does it?
The other thing that they have been told is that their arthritis is hereditary. Again, if this is true, then everyone in your family should have arthritis and have it in the exact same location. I have shoulder arthritis, but my parents and sisters don’t. My mom has knee arthritis, but me and my siblings don’t. We just can’t make a blanket statement that claims, “You have arthritis because your (insert relative here) does.”
We always have to go back to the position of the joint where the arthritis is. Did you know that arthritis can only survive in an acidic environment? If you’re familiar with your body’s pH scale, then you’ll know the difference between acidic and alkaline. The body has an internal balancing mechanism known as pH. When looking at the pH scale, pH neutral is around 7. That’s where the body should be. That is where it’s balanced. Anything below that, and you’re acidic. Anything above that, and you’re alkaline.
An acidic environment is one that is devoid of oxygen. When thinking of this in terms of the body, a joint that is devoid of oxygen is one that has lost its designed range of motion (ROM). To put it simply: When full ROM is missing, so is oxygen.
This should give you hope that your arthritis isn’t permanent. When you restore full ROM, oxygen will return to that area, that joint will become more alkaline, and the arthritis won’t be able to survive. Pretty cool, huh?
If you’re struggling with arthritis, I encourage you to get an Egoscue menu to help breathe life back into your joints! USA Today also has some great ideas for reducing the effects of arthritis:
Regular exercise strengthens the muscles around joints, which helps keep them from rubbing against one another and wearing down cartilage; it also helps increase bone density, improve flexibility and ease pain.
Putting too much stress on your joints can accelerate the wear and tear that causes osteoarthritis, and injured joints, perhaps while playing a sport, are more likely to eventually develop arthritis.
Extra pounds put extra stress on your joints, especially your knees, hips and back. According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control, people who are obese are 1.9 times more likely to report that they have arthritis symptoms.
Mom said it would make you look taller and slimmer; experts say It also helps protect the joints in your neck, back, hips and knees.
We know the vitamin is essential for bone health because it helps your body absorb calcium. Studies also suggest Vitamin D may play a role in joint health, and that too-low levels may increase the risk of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.