How to Perform this E-cise™
- Stand in front of wall or chair and with your back to a block or chair; your feet should be pointing straight ahead and hip width apart.
- If needed, stand facing a chair or doorjamb which you can hold onto for support and balance
- Lift one foot and bend that leg back, placing the top of the foot on the chair/block
- The height of the foot placement dictates the amount of stretch in the thigh muscles
- Keep your hips and shoulders square to the wall
- Look down and be sure that your knees remain pointed straight ahead and in line with each other
- The key is to make sure that the hip of your down leg is not jutting out to the side. You must keep your hips level
- Now, try to tilt your butt under
- Hold as directed on your menu
- Switch legs and repeat
Fun Facts
This exercise stretches the muscles of the hip and repositions the pelvis