Childbirth is a miraculous event. From conception through delivery, the body does remarkable things to provide a safe environment in which the baby can grow and develop.
During that same time, the combination of hormonal and postural changes can wreak havoc on a woman’s body if she’s not prepared for it. Most of the women we work with start to experience difficulties in their second trimester as the baby starts to grow and their body begins changing.
My wife and I have three boys, and each of my wife’s pregnancies got progressively better from a pain standpoint. The reason for improvement was the fact that she was much more diligent with her Egoscue Method menus with each pregnancy. She really struggled with sciatica during her first pregnancy, and she was determined to not let that happen again with the next two.
I’m sure some of you can relate. The key to sciatica pain lies in maintaining balance and neutrality in your pelvis, but that can be extremely tough while pregnant, especially if your body didn’t start that way. Your body most likely wasn’t in balance when you got pregnant, and the bodily changes (and growing baby) experienced throughout the gestation period only add fuel to the fire.
If you are pregnant and close to one of our clinics, I recommend contacting them today to get an evaluation in-person or via webcam. Your body will thank you for it.
Another great resource is Pain Free for Women. It has an incredible amount of information, and not just for those who are pregnant.
Additionally, try these four simple exercises designed to restore proper function to your hips and balance out your body. Make sure you do them in order, once a day.
Static Extension Position
Downward Dog
Sitting Abductor Presses
Sitting Knee Pillow Squeezes